
Jupiter 2022

Jupiter 11th November 2022
300mm Newtonian ProStar Concord RGB

Jupiter 2018

Jupiter 15th June 2018
300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3

Jupiter 29th June 2018 - 300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3

Jupiter and Ganymede 29th June 2018
300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3

Jupiter 9th June 2017 with Europa and Io

Jupiter 9th June 2017 and moons Europa (mid transit) and Io (right) 300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3

Jupiter 25th June 2017 - 300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3

Jupiter 25th June 2017
300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3
Europa and its shadow in transit.
Ganymede is the moon at lower right.

Jupiter - GSTAR-EX3 26th May 2017

Jupiter 26th May 2017
300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3

Jupiter 25th April 2017

Jupiter 25th April 2017
300mm Newtonian GSTAR-EX3

Saturn 2016

Jupiter 10 April 2016
300mm Newtonian LP-GUIDE-C

Jupiter 2012

Jupiter 07 Dec 2012
300mm Newtonian DBK21AU618.AS

Jupiter 2010

Jupiter 23rd Oct 2010
Rare view of missing southern equatorial belt.
Colour webcam - 254mm telescope

Jupiter missing equatorial belt

Jupiter 29th Oct 2010
Missing southern equatorial belt.
Colour webcam - 254mm telescope

Jupiter 2009

Jupiter 28th Aug 2009
GSTAR-EX RGB & 254mm telescope

Jupiter September 2009

Jupiter 9th Sept 2009
GSTAR-EX RGB & 254mm telescope

Jupiter 2008

Jupiter Aug 2008
GSTAR-EX RGB & 254mm Newtonian

Jupiter 2006

Jupiter 2006
GSTAR-EX video camera and RGB filters.
254mm Newtonian. 

Jupiter and Saturn 2005

Jupiter, Saturn & Ganymede 2005
B&W video camera and LRGB filters.
Telescope 254mm Newtonian. 

Jupiter double transit 2004

Double transit of Jupiter on the 28th March 2004. Ganymede is the moon at top and Io is below. The shadow at left is that of Ganymede and at right, Io. At left in this sequence, the disc of Ganymede can be seen against the bright disc of Jupiter while Io is difficult to detect. Pictures where taken while Jupiter was low in the northeast.
250mm Newtonian using the Mintron Ex-View black and white camera and RGB filters.

Jupiter CM strip 1999

14 x CM strips combined to reveal Jupiter's cloud tops in October 1999. Video CCD and RGB filters

Jupiter and Ganymede transit 1998

Jupiter and Ganymede September 22nd 1998.
Ganymede preceeds its shadow which is cast on the edge of the GRS.  
Published in Sky & Telescope,
Sky & Space and Astronomy Now magazines. 

Jupiter and Ganymede transit commencing 1998

 B&W Luna-Cam video camera and eyepiece projection using a 250mm Newtonian.

© Copyright Steve Massey Astronomy since 1996

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