
 I'm not much in to comet photography but have recorded a few for prosperity over the years.

Comet Leonard January 2022

Comet C2021 A1 Leonard - January 4th 2022
Stack of 5 second exposures with 80mm (f/5) achromat refractor

Comet Leonard C/2021 1A

Comet C2021 A1 Leonard - January 3rd 2022
Stack of unguided 1/2 second exposures with 130mm f/5 Newtonian

Hale-Bopp 1996

Hale-Bopp 1996 - Film: Kodak Gold 1000 Exp: 4 min - 35mm Cannon AE-1 SLR camera 10 inch f/4.5 Newtonian telescope

Hyakutake 1996

Hyakutake 18th May 1996 - Film: FUJI - Exp: 3 min FUJI 1600 ASA - 35mm Cannon AE-1 SLR camera - 10 inch f/4.5 Newtonian telescope

Comet NEAT

Comet Neat 2004 - GSTAR-EX video image

Comet Linear

Comet Linear - video GSTAR-EX video image

Comet McNaught 2007

Comet McNaught 2007 - camcorder image

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