The following celestial images were taken by long time member Trevor Taylor.

All images are copyright of the individual and may not be used or reproduced without their express permission.


Sombrero Galaxy taken with GSTAR colour video camera (no dark frames) mounted to 12-inch Newtonian 2011.



M20 Trifid Nebula
Taken with GSTAR colour video camera (no dark frames) mounted to 12-inch Newtonian 2011.


Globular Cluster in Centaurus taken with GSTAR colour video camera mounted to 12-inch Newtonian 2011.

Saturn - Taken with GSTAR colour video camera mounted to 12-inch Newtonian 2011.


Saturn - Taken with camcorder mounted to 11-inch Celestron SCT 2010


Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter showing the Great Red Spot and equatorial belts and zones - hand tracked 12-inch Dob. At right: Saturn. Images taken with 4-inch alt-az mount telescope. Both images with Celestron NexImage camera and processed in Registax.


Trevor is one of the three original founding members of HBAS after its original establishment as an observing group in 2008 and spearheaded many of our early observing get togethers. Formerly our society president in 2011, Trev is a computer consultant and has a 12-inch Newtonian on a dob alt-az (non driven) mount but recently upgraded to a Sky-Watcher NEQ6 Pro German Equatorial. Trev owns and run the computer firm Dynatec in Hervey Bay and continues to help many of us with our computer related issues.

Hervey Bay Astronomical Society