Hervey Bay Astronomical Society





Membership information
Current Membership fees:

Standard Member   : $25.00
Junior Membership: $10.00
Family Membership: $40.00

Regular 'Astro-News' & Newsletters are mailed to members who can also apply for a society email address - eg myname@hbastro.net

Monthly Observing nights are held on Saturdays closest to a new moon, and general meetings, which often with guest speakers, are held at the USQ on Wednesdays, 2 weeks either side of Observing nights.

We have practical hands on sessions in navigating the night sky, general astronomy education, use and maintenance of your telescope and astrophotography.

Take a look at the gear others are using and learn from their experiences.

E-mail info@hbastro.net for membership application form or click here to download form.

Observing Night Tips
When observing during winter months be sure to rug up well with well insulated footwear, beanie and coats.

Use only a red light torch when attending observing sessions at our dark sky sites. This helps preserve night vision (dark adapted eyes) crucial for seeing faint celestial objects. It is considered bad manners to use a conventional white-light torch.

If you are not a member, but would like to attend an observing night, please contact us.

Former Elected Committee

Current membership: 36

Joe Mather :-----------
Laurie Windle :-------secretary@hbastro.net
Andy Walters :--------treasurer@hbastro.net

General contact: ---- info@hbastro.net



General Information
Membership Application Form
Responsible Use of Astro Pointing Lasers
Responsible Use of Astro Pointing Lasers (update)
Phases of the moon in 2012 (update)
How to choose a Telescope (update)

Using Colour Filters (update)
Society Equipment
The society has several telescopes which are available to members not owning their own. To borrow a telescope, please contact a committee member.





Hervey Bay Astronomical Society

E-MAIL  info@hbastro.net