The following celestial images were taken by Steve Massey.

All images are copyright of the individual and may not be used or reproduced without their express permission.


Saturn - This image was taken in March 2012 using a 12-inch
Newtonian telescope and high-speed colour CCD camera.


Horse Head & Flame Nebulas - 103mm refractor and colour CCD camera


NGC5128 - Centaurus A

This image was taken using colour filters and a GStar-ex video camera.
Separate exposures were stacked in Registax with dark frames subtracted.
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 254mm Newtonian and EQ6 mount.


M27 - Dumbbell Nebula.
This image was taken from Point Vernon using colour filters and a GSTAR video camera.
Separate exposures were stacked in Registax with dark frames subtracted.
Final processing done in Adobe PhotoShop.
Telescope: Sky-Watcher 254mm Newtonian and EQ6 Pro mount.


Jupiter animation - 10-inch telescope

Mars January 16th 2010
The images at left were taken with the GSTAR-EX camera and colour filters processed in PhotoShop and Maxim DL


Founding president, and honorary lifetime member, Steve has authored many astronomy books and has been a contributing writer and photographer for astronomy magazines around the world. His images have also featured in several other books and he has also been co-author on a science paper concerning ground based observations of the planet Mercury. The asteroid (14420) was named after him in recognition of his early pioneering research with astronomy based video imaging.

Hervey Bay Astronomical Society